Our Mission

Our Mission (aka)
About Us:

We are a full time RV family who sold all of our belongings and set out to spread God's word in our 30ft travel trailer. We went through many trials to get here and believe God has put it in our hearts to start a brand that represents putting on his full armor. More often then not we try to fight all of our battles on our own, Most assuredly, we can say that God has provided everything we need to get through these battles.

Prior to making the decision to move into our RV full time to spread God's word our story went like this:

A young relationship in Love, both coming from very different backgrounds, I being born and raised in Los Angeles hanging with the wrong crowd, divorced and having a son from my 1st marriage. 

My girlfriend was a witch practicing witchcraft for over 25 years completely deceived by the enemy. Under the impression because she was a white witch doing tarot readings she was helping people. She had no idea that she was doing it all the wrong way and how easily the enemy can pervert our true gifts from God.  

We decided to move to a new state together looking to escape all the drama in our life and give ourselves a fresh start. We were simply trying to enjoy our lives, and eventually got caught up in the daily grind. Having a newborn and not being married under Gods covenant, was a battle all on its own. 

From there things only got worse, we lost our jobs at the beginning of Covid. We had no real savings nor a backup plan.  Our careers weren’t our calling and with all that was happening, tension and strife became a big part of our life.  It got progressively worse and worse. Especially during quarantine. Worry, Fear, Doubt, Depression, Laziness, Jealousy, Anxiety, Anger, the “enemy” all seemed to catch up. You hardly notice how fast paced and how out of hand life can be until a pandemic puts things into perspective. 

Reflecting and realizing how precious life is and what went wrong all while in the midst of adversity and darkness is when we started to see the light.

We were on the brink of losing not only ourselves, each other, but our little family as well. We both made the decision at that time to turn to God, we ran towards him full speed and are now born again Christians.

Through deliverance, continuous prayer and repentance we are finally seeing the light that God has so promised. We are now happily married and recovering from the darkness the enemy had us under.

For we wrestle not with flesh and blood but against the principalities, against powers, and against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against the spiritual darkness in high places.

(Ephesians 6-12-KJV) 

Since then we’ve experienced countless blessings. We've also realized that many of us go through trials and tribulations that we tend to carry and hold onto by ourselves. We are meant to let those things go so God can fill us with his light. The battlefield is in the mind and the enemy knows that. 

But remember God is with us! 

And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

(Luke 9:23 KJV)

We pray / hope to inspire others to always put on the Armor God has created. This clothing line is simply a reminder that turning to God's word and giving all your cares to him is the easiest way to handle life, our battles, challenges etc. 

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword

(Hebrews 4:12 KJV)

We've designed our logo to represent God. The helmet itself spells GOD, because God is our helmet of Salvation. He is our armor. He is our life.

In addition, we have also started a Scripture Coffee company. www.godbrews.com Our intentions are to inspire people to crave God as much as coffee in the morning! Visit our site for freshly roasted coffee! Arise. Awaken.

Thank you for allowing us to share our story.

We wish you the very best and pray that you will follow your heart when it comes to your life and allow God to work his glory within you.

In Jesus MIghty Name! 

🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Godbless You 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽